
Making a Pinch Pot

Making a Pinch Pot

In Ancient Greek black-figure pottery, the figures were painted with liquid clay that turned black when heated, leaving the background the color of the clay. In this activity, students can replicate that art style by painting a terracotta pinch pot. SUPPLIES...

Aztec Gods

Aztec Gods

It’s time for a new subject, so we’re delving into the Aztecs. Aztec mythology is very creative and interesting. Students will get a kick out of all the strange things Aztec gods and goddesses got up to. They were both helpful and destructive. According to legend, the...

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Ancient Egyptians had over 2000 gods and goddesses. Some were local to a city or an area and some were known across Egypt. Many gods and goddesses had the head of animal and body of human. Over time, ancient Egyptian gods changed roles and forms, sometimes even...

Romulus and Remus

Romulus and Remus

One of the most famous Roman myths is the story of how Rome was founded. The legend of Romulus and Remus was created by Romans, one of the few that was not adapted from a Greek myth, although according to the legend, the brothers were descendants a famous Greek hero....

5 Facts about Mount Vesuvius

5 Facts about Mount Vesuvius

Mount Vesuvius is the famous volcano that killed thousands of people on the ancient Roman city of Pomeii in 79AD. Here are a few facts about the volcano: The people of Pompeii did not know that Mount Vesuvius was a volcano. Pompeii was built near the southeastern base...

Ancient Sites in Egypt

Ancient Sites in Egypt

When we lived in Egypt, we were lucky enough to visit many ancient sites, some more than 4,500 years old. We have used the photos and knowledge we gained during these travels to make our Ancient Egypt teaching resources. Pyramids were built as tombs for royalty....

10 Facts About Viking Women

10 Facts About Viking Women

Viking women were no shrinking violets. A Viking woman could inherit property, own a business and run the farm. If her husband mistreated her she could leave him, taking her property with her. Here are ten facts about Viking women that just might surprise you! 1....