Viking women were no shrinking violets. A Viking woman could inherit property, and if her husband mistreated her she could leave him, and take her property with her. Here are ten facts about Viking women that just might surprise you!

1. They could carry weapons.

2. Her first marriage was arranged (but she could pick her next husband.)

3. They travelled on Viking ships.

4. The lady was in charge of the household finances.

5. She had more freedom and power than women in the rest of Europe during the Viking age.

6. It was shameful for a man to harm a Viking woman.

7. Women were sometimes buried with keys as a symbol of their status in the home.

8. They did the jobs of men while they were away raiding.

9. A Viking woman could divorce her husband.

10. Viking women could be merchants.

We hope you enjoyed these fun facts. This information is all part of our Life in the Viking Age lesson. If you are teaching your students about Vikings, check out our primary resource below!

Life in the Viking Age

This lesson covers the classes of Vikings, laws, longhouses, warriors, trades, women and children. Activities include Longhouse Blueprint, Longhouse Area Math (these are two differentiated activities), Unscramble, Find the Definition, Walk-a-Mile, Reading Response and True False (differentiated), and a Maze. Also includes a powerpoint presentation. Aimed at KS2 Y4-6

Pages: 17 (plus 4 answer sheets)


  • 7 Information Pages
  • 2 Longhouse Area Math activities (differentiated)
  • 1 Longhouse Blueprint Activity
  • 1 Unscramble Activity
  • 2 Multiple Choice Activities
  • 1 Walk-a-Mile Activity
  • 1 Reading Response / 1 True or False (differentiated)
  • 4 Answer Sheets